Australia by Red Nomad OZ
Victoria River Escarpment, Northern Territory

The 5-Experiences-in-24-hours Victoria River Roadhouse Action Plan!

I don’t know what made us decide to stay overnight at the Victoria River Roadhouse as we pulled in for fuel, late on a Northern Territory July morning. Perhaps we took the Grey Nomad’s experimental driving technique involving an inexpertly executed U-turn directly in front of us without warning as a sign to stay off the roads that day.  […]

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Roebuck Bay, Broome, Western Australia

5 Cool BLUE and 5 RED Hot Aussie TOP SPOTS!

Is BLUE the new RED? It is downunder where blue and red have been interchangeable for YEARS! But before you start thinking us Aussies are a nation of colour-blind fools, it’s all due to the colloquial contrariness that means we call things the opposite to what they are. So a tall person becomes ‘Shorty’. A skinny person becomes ‘Fatso’. And[…]

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Mt Sonder from Ormiston Gorge and Pound trail, West MacDonnell National Park, Central Australia

The Best Shots I Never Took … Ormiston Gorge, Central Australia

‘If it’s a choice between my camera and the family jewels, you know what to do,’ I instructed Pilchard as I plunged into the thigh-high frigid water flowing through Ormiston Gorge. Despite the hypothermia warnings on the Ormiston Gorge fact sheet, it was either that or return the seven km (~4.5 miles) we’d already come over a cross section of[…]

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White Crocodile, Victoria River, Northern Territory

7 Crocodile Hot Spots in Australia’s Top End

Crocodiles are a weird combination of Aussie ‘Big Thing’ and perilous prehistoric predator. Maybe our fascination with crocodiles in Australia is what makes this my most viewed post of all time*. Or maybe it’s because of the awesome photos and superlative writing … read on, and decide for yourself 😀 But before you do, PLEASE NOTE this WARNING: Crocodiles are VERY dangerous and[…]

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Wycliffe Well Amenties Block, Northern Territory*

Wycliffe Well Roadhouse – The Best Alien Pit-Stop this side of the Galaxy!

What’s a weary Aussie traveller to do after a few hours and a few hundred kilometres on the road? Stagger from the car – reeling from too much sitting and legs crossed from sipping water water – and head straight for the loo, of course! Or the nearest tree, rock or shrub. Finding a good place to do your business[…]

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Karlu Karlu/Devils Marbles at Sunrise

Exploring Karlu Karlu/Devils Marbles, Northern Territory

It’s just a 20 minute drive from the Wycliffe Well roadhouse to the stunning natural attraction of Karlu Karlu/Devils Marbles.  But other than distance, these two places could not be further apart. Wycliffe Well, known as Australia’s UFO capital, is full bizarre extraterrestrial figurines, spaceships, mural-covered buildings and other oddities dotted throughout the campground.  On the other hand, the Devil’s[…]

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Favourite Place #3 – Stuarts Well, NT

One of the most bizarre and amazing experiences of our travels occurred at Stuarts Well, 90 km south of Alice Springs.  I haven’t linked to a map because it’s idiot simple to find- just look for the straight line between Alice Springs and Adelaide on any map and you’ve found the highway!  Look for the eastern turnoff to Rainbow Valley, and just south of[…]

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UFO Abduction Mural, Wycliffe Well, Northern Territory

Why Wycliffe Well is a TOP Aussie Town, Northern Territory

Wycliffe Well is one of several roadhouse/diner/pub/motel/caravan park/store complexes on the Stuart Highway north of Alice Springs. But Wycliffe Well is unique.  Why?  Because it is the self-proclaimed UFO capital of Australia – if not the world.  As such, it’s worth stopping over to see if those claims are true. There was once a book in the roadhouse where visitors[…]

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