My Book: Aussie Loos with Views!

Welcome to the home of Aussie Loos with Views! the tell-all book and unique Australian travel guide with over 60 of the most pleasurable places to do ‘business’ in OZ!

I’m Marion Halliday and as Red Nomad OZ – arguably Australia’s best known loo lover and outhouse observer – I’ve been showcasing Aussie Scenic Public Toilets for over five years right here on my website, updated from Amazing Australian Adventures to RedzAustralia – and now to Australia by Red Nomad OZ!

WHERE can I get it?

Aussie Loos with Views! is out of print now, but you MIGHT be able to find a copy on eBay, or in a bookstore or op shop!  If you’d REALLY like a copy and you’re having trouble finding one, contact me and I’ll see what I can do 😀

How did the Scenic Loo thing start?

A few years ago, we pulled into the Kata Tjuta carpark and picnic area where I used the amenities before heading out on the walks. From the doorway, the awesome rocky domes were right there in front of me. This was – and still is – one of the most stunning views from a convenience block I’ve ever seen!

But was it Australia’s finest?

I didn’t know. And no one else could tell me.

So I started looking for myself!

When I started my blog over 5 years ago, my regular travel series featuring Australia’s Scenic Public Toilets were my most popular posts. Then came a calendar – and then came the book!

So what’s in the book?

Aussie Loos with Views! features more than 60 hand-picked scenic loos from all around the country complete with colour photographs and commentary.

The book includes two loos that even I haven’t seen yet – Yvonne Newman’s photos of the wonderful loo that takes ‘scenic’ to new levels at Tarkine Forest Adventures; and Rick Coxhill’s photo of the Pelion Plains loo – with (arguably) the most expensive waste in OZ – on the Overland Track.

I look forward to discovering these for myself when I’m next in Tasmania.

Read Aussie Loos with Views! and you’ll be on a Great Aussie Loo Tour via the attractions of many regional and rural areas all around Australia.

Is this Australia’s ULTIMATE Travel Guide?!

That’s nice .. but what’s that got to do with me?

Good question! Here’s a few good reasons to get a copy:

  1. It’s Father’s Day!
  2. Your father missed out on it for Father’s Day, so you’d better get it for him for Christmas!
  3. The smallest room in your house needs some new reading material
  4. It’s your best mate’s birthday
  5. See if a loo from YOUR area is featured
  6. Does the world really need another celebrity chef cookbook?
  7. It’s easy to read!
  8. Your friends are travelling around Australia
  9. YOU want to take the Great Aussie Loo Tour!
  10. It’ll remind you of Australia every time you see it
  11. Find out what Marion Halliday has been up to
  12. Your parents have a copy of ‘Dinkum Dunnies’ from the 70’s and need to upgrade
  13. No one at home will believe there’s actually a book about Aussie loos!
  14. It’s your boss’s birthday!

  15. You need some compelling reading for your customer waiting room
  16. It’s SO cool, it’s HOT!!
  17. The pictures are great.
  18. You saw me on Weekend Sunrise!
  19. Finally, there’s a gift to suit EVERYONE (well … almost!)
  20. Get a copy before the next print run and it’ll be a collectors item.
  21. Buy this book – and there just might be a second one!!
  22. See for yourself what made Susan Kurosawa wince in her Weekend Australian review … (if you have a subscription …)
  23. You heard about it on the radio and you want to see the real thing for yourself.
  24. You’re over all the bad news …
  25. If the Aussie economy is heading down the toilet, you’d like to see where it might end up!
  26. You want to be a dunny detective too!
  27. It’s never too early to start your Christmas shopping!
  28. The 2nd print run just MIGHT run out before you get YOUR copy.  STOP PRESS!  It has 🙁
  29. You want to watch people’s reactions while you’re reading it on the train.  Or bus.  Or ferry.

Any other reasons? Let me know in the comments below!

How much does it cost?

The recommended retail price is $19.95.

Where can I get it?

Try your local on-line or actual bookstore!

My first in-store book sighting (see left) was at the Book Warehouse in Lismore, New South Wales with an AWESOME display including an old tin dunny, extra ‘special’ loo paper and posters!

I even signed a few copies there!

If you’re having trouble tracking down a copy, go online and do a quick search!

Where do I find even MORE great Aussie Loos with Views?

I’ve discovered even more outrageous outhouses, fabulous facilities and dunnies of distinction on the road – I’ve stumbled across some of them by ‘accident’ – so I’m already thinking about ‘Aussie Loos – Number Two’!

Dunny at the Diggings, Andamooka, South Australia
Dunny at the Diggings, Andamooka, South Australia

But being the go-to girl for Aussie loos – I’m a toilet tragic with a travel habit and above-average dunny detection skills – means I’ll keep tracking them down!

AND … posting the good ones on my Aussie Loos with Views! Facebook Page where you can find the latest in Aussie Loo-Land!

In the meantime, why not check out the loos I’ve discovered already right HERE on RedzAustralia!  Like that true Aussie loo in this photo from Andamooka?!

Stay tuned!  I’ve got a LOT more Aussie loos with Views to show you!

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  1. Where can I get a copy of your book Aussie Loos with a View? I collect miniature outhouses and books about outhouses.

  2. I would love to get a copy of this book for my parents. The Millaa Millaa Coffin Loo now sits proudly at the base of their driveway just outside of Millaa 🙂 – Is that a good reason to get a copy? 😉

    1. Hi Kelly! Wow, that is so awesome! I often wondered where the Coffin Loo ended up … so great to hear it’s found a home. I have sent you an email about the book – please let me know if you didn’t receive it. There are LOTS of good reasons to get one, but yours is one of the best!!

  3. I’d love to run a feature on the book on my blog – although people are seriously going to think I’m toilet obsessed as I have toilet restaurants, toilet tours and toilet cocktail bars on there already. Do I need to go through you or speak to a publisher? Drop me a line back on the email below if you’d be keen and we can discuss (maybe running mid-Nov to tap into Xmas sales).

  4. So, loos with a view is actually a real thing 🙂 When I first saw the title on your website , I thought you are just using a fancy title to catch attention. Congratulations on the book. Sounds really interesting

    1. Haha, only in Australia, Neha! It’s definitely a real thing, and I’ve written a real book!! Thanx for the congrats – if you get to visit Australia it’d make a great souvenir 😀

  5. This is so creative and wonderful. I love the concept behind it. It would make the perfect gift for a lot of people I know. Bookmarking this. Cheers!!

  6. ??????!! That is the greatest subject for a book ? ever! Now can you write a book called “Clean and Free Loos of The World” ? Actually an app would be even better…. Donna ~??‍⚕️??‍???~

    1. Haha, I think that app would be out of date before it even got off the ground, Donna!! Actually, it was suggested that I call my follow-up book ‘Aussie Loos – Number Twos’! What do you think?

  7. This is indeed an amazing subject for a book. Loos with a view, that sounds like absolute poetry. I really envy those people who enjoy great views while going about their business. Imagine loos with views of landscapes like those of Macchu Picchu. In fact I get an idea, why not view from the loo of the 7 wonders of the World, I am sure there are such vantage points near the wonders, just wondering 🙂

    1. Haha, great idea Sandy N Vyjay! But I wonder how many facilities are THAT close to those attractions? I’ve always thought us Aussies had cornered the market in placing the dunnies right up close to our natural attractions – but maybe I’m wrong!!

  8. This is absolutely hilarious! Your commentary on your blog is already funny so all the toilet and poop jokes are going to make it that much better! What an interesting take on Australian scenery! And what a great gag gift too 😛

    1. This is Aussie humour at it’s best – or worst, depending on your point of view, Gina! It’s the quirkiest travel guide in OZ, and it’ll make you gag in more ways than one, haha!

  9. OMG this is hilarious! And brilliant! Is it insensitive if I said that the first thing that crossed my mind is that this concept is like the most Australian thing ever?! You should make an e-book version! (Less entertaining for public reading, but… more portable! 😉 )

  10. Hilarious! I tend to find amusement from quirky loos too… and drive my daughters mad when I come out of one exclaiming how clean and pleasant it was, with a rating out of 10! It stems from a vivid memory of my Mum exiting a loo managed by the hydro company in Central Tasmania, I must have been about 10 years old- she was so impressed she said dinner could be eaten in there it was so clean! We did not eat dinner in there though!
    So, quirky and clean… top of my list!

    1. Hi Jane! That’s fantastic!!! I wonder is that Tassie loo still there??!! It’s amazing how many good public loos there are out there – of course my book doesn’t show the skanky ones 🙂 Thanx for dropping by – and watch this space! I’ve got a LOT more loos to show off!!

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