Australia by Red Nomad OZ
Crocodile from Cruise Boat, Victoria River, via Timber Creek

Cruising with Crocodiles on Australia’s WILDEST River

‘There it is,’ shouted Pilchard, pointing towards the bank. I looked, but there was only an old tyre on the edge of the water nestled in the grass. Typical bloke. All excited about nothing. The boat moved closer to the river banks. ‘Where?’ I whined as cameras clicked all around me. Damn! If everyone else could see a monster crocodile,[…]

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Victoria River Escarpment, Northern Territory

The 5-Experiences-in-24-hours Victoria River Roadhouse Action Plan!

I don’t know what made us decide to stay overnight at the Victoria River Roadhouse as we pulled in for fuel, late on a Northern Territory July morning. Perhaps we took the Grey Nomad’s experimental driving technique involving an inexpertly executed U-turn directly in front of us without warning as a sign to stay off the roads that day.  […]

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White Crocodile, Victoria River, Northern Territory

7 Crocodile Hot Spots in Australia’s Top End

Crocodiles are a weird combination of Aussie ‘Big Thing’ and perilous prehistoric predator. Maybe our fascination with crocodiles in Australia is what makes this my most viewed post of all time*. Or maybe it’s because of the awesome photos and superlative writing … read on, and decide for yourself 😀 But before you do, PLEASE NOTE this WARNING: Crocodiles are VERY dangerous and[…]

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