Australia by Red Nomad OZ
Port Clinton Sunrise, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia

Why Port Clinton is a TOP Aussie Town!

I was once one of the many travellers who, upon driving down the eastern shore of South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula, would pass the Port Clinton turn-off without a second thought. That was my mistake. And theirs. Because it’s only 90 minutes from Adelaide, it’s a great base from which to explore many of the FAAAAABULOUS upper Yorke Peninsula’s attractions AND[…]

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7 Wonderful Walks in Innes National Park

Sand dunes and shipwrecks.  A wild and windswept heli-pad. Magnificent cliffs, an old wooden railway transport line and exotic lighthouses. Historic ruins and a sailor a long way from home.  None of these are visible from the entrance to Innes National Park. And you can’t see them from the ~30 km of road winding through the park. To discover the[…]

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Pondalowie Bay from West Cape Lighthouse

The Jewel in the Toe – Innes National Park, South Australia

Visit Innes National Park on a fine day and if you don’t end up with a photo that looks close to the one above, you’re just not trying! But joining the ‘Entrance to Innes National Park’ photo club isn’t the only reason to visit this smallish 9400+ hectare National Park.  It’s around 300 km from Adelaide on the toe of[…]

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Swimmers Beach, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia

On the Beach … Swimmers Beach, Yorke Peninsula

The sun rose as usual on this shining, sparkling pre-Xmas summer morning. A nice day for an apocalypse*. And where better to face the end of the world than on a (mostly) deserted Aussie beach, in an inadvertent echo of Australian classic On the Beach? A disturbing vision of post-apocalyptic dystopia, Australian author Nevil Shute’s masterpiece** was adapted for a[…]

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Crops on Southern Yorke Peninsula, South Australia

“Red and Pilchard’s Day in the Country” by Red

My Story by Red Nomad OZ Today we went for a drive in the country on the Yorke Peninsula. The fields were all dry but the sky was very blue. We stopped to look at flowers. There were lots of white everlastings. We had to look for snakes but we didn’t see any. That was good. There was just a[…]

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1942 ex-Fire Tender, Edithburgh, York Peninsula, South Australia

2 Million Miles … and counting!

Anything RED will catch my eye. An interesting history will hold my attention. But it takes more than hue and back story to boggle my mind! And this ordinary looking 1942 truck sitting inside an old shed behind a Yorke Peninsula country town museum with magpies roosting on its rusting railing delivered that boggle in spades. Because this ex-army, transport[…]

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Roebuck Bay, Broome, Western Australia

5 Cool BLUE and 5 RED Hot Aussie TOP SPOTS!

Is BLUE the new RED? It is downunder where blue and red have been interchangeable for YEARS! But before you start thinking us Aussies are a nation of colour-blind fools, it’s all due to the colloquial contrariness that means we call things the opposite to what they are. So a tall person becomes ‘Shorty’. A skinny person becomes ‘Fatso’. And[…]

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The 3-Car, 2-Beach, One Fine Day!

Sometimes, not planning turns out best. And sometimes the planets align and fabulous weather, bizarre experiences, brilliant destination and perfect moments all come together on one fine day … Fine in every sense! And the sky!  The glorious sky!!  Yes, Innes National Park at the very southern end of South Australia’s York Peninsula was already one of my favourite places.[…]

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The Red Devil, Minlaton, South Australia

Aussie Icons #3 – The Red Devil

According to my train buddy* G, the longest ever recorded chicken flight lasted for 13 seconds.  Ironic then, that one of Australia’s most unsung aviators drew his early inspiration from experiments with measuring chook** wingspan relative to their flight! A world exclusive wasn’t what I expected when I visited Minlaton on South Australia’s York Peninsula. But the Red Devil, a Bristol M.1C[…]

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Swimmers Beach, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia

7 Days … on the Southern Yorke Peninsula, South Australia

South Australia’s Southern Yorke Peninsula (SYP) can get pretty tedious – day after ho-hum day of blue skies, mile after punishing mile of spectacular coastal scenery, more and yet more (almost) deserted beaches. Seal and dolphin watching, fishing, museums, shipwrecks, snorkelling, surfing, wildflowers, markets and country shows. A well preserved, documented – AND fascinating history. And it all comes with arguably[…]

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