Australia by Red Nomad OZ
Wild Dog Hill, Whyalla Conservation Park, South Australia

Amenities, Attractions and Axe Murderers at Whyalla Conservation Park, South Australia

He probably wasn’t an axe murderer. I mean, skidding into the carpark in a cloud of dust, ‘Uptown Girl’ blaring from the stereo, and parking well away from the only other car in the car park? Despite my lack of hands-on experience with axe murderers, I was pretty sure this wasn’t archetypal behaviour. Was it? But through the clouds of[…]

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Dugouts, Dirt and Dunnies! 3 reasons to visit Andamooka, South Australia

I don’t know if anyone ever struck it rich in the old days – or even the new days – by hitting a seam of opal while sinking a dugout dunny shaft. But if it’s going to happen anywhere, the chances of it happening in Andamooka are better than average. As long as the hole is at least 3 metres[…]

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Uluru, Central Australia

16 RED HOT Go-To Blogs for Australian Travel Inspiration!

Welcome to the first ever RED HOT RedzAustralia selection of 16 Go-To Australian Travel Bloggers for All-Australian Travel Inspiration! Because Australia’s wonderful destinations have so much variety and so many fantastic attractions, sometimes tracking down the perfect Australian HOT Spot for your next vacation, weekend or day off can be tricky. It’s SO much easier when you’ve got a bit of help[…]

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Darke Peak and the True Blue Two Loo View!

Swinging a feral cat ANYWHERE in the middle of South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula without hitting a stony peak, hill, bluff, outcrop, mountain, cliff, dome or rock-face is almost impossible. Take the small town of Darke Peak – population 50 – for example. We’d followed the 8-peak Darke Range to the west all the way into Darke Peak township named for[…]

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Royston Head, Innes National Park, Yorke Peninsula SA

Red’s TOP 10 Aussie Pests (and where I found them)!

Travelling downunder isn’t all surf and sunshine; kangaroos and koalas; or moonbeams and magic. A fabulous holiday can also be an opportunity to share the sights with some of Australia’s lesser known – and MUCH less popular – creatures! Like I did when I met my TOP 10 Aussie pests some FAAAAABULOUS places!  Where I’ll go again – despite the presence of[…]

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Babbler Campground, Gluepot Reserve, SA

12 Cool Aussie Things …

… I saw and did for the first time in 2014! It’s possible my definition of ‘cool’ isn’t the same as yours. I think it’s quite easy to find something cool downunder – anything new, intriguing, scenic or exclusive to OZ (or the world) does it for me. So if you’re wondering about some of the inclusions in this selection[…]

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Outback near Blinman, Flinders Ranges, South Australia

P is for Patriotic: 26 Reasons to ROCK Australia Day!

As this FAAAABULOUS January 26 gets under way, the ozone layer prepares itself for a high carbon emission onslaught and the planet’s remaining trees breathe a sigh of relief. It’s Australia Day and almost compulsory to have a barbecue and PROVE your Aussie pride.  Do this by putting Aussie flags on every conceivable product from toothpicks to tablecloths; serviettes to[…]

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