Australia by Red Nomad OZ
Western Treatment Plant with Avalon Airport and You Yangs in the distance, Victoria, Australia

The Aussie Scenic Public Loo that WASN’T!

I’ve got Pilchard to thank for some of our more obscure travel destinations. If not for him, I wouldn’t be out birding. And if not for birding, I wouldn’t have been in this marvellously scenic spot near Werribee on the outskirts of Melbourne’s west! As I photographed the sunlight glinting across the waters of Port Philip Bay to Portarlington, and[…]

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View of HIGHEST Loo in OZ at Rawsons Pass from Mt Kosciuszko Summit, Snowy Mountains, NSW

Rawson Pass: Scenic Public Loo #37

Some get to Rawson Pass en route to Mount Kosciuszko for the record.  Others do it for the challenge.  And still others do it just because it’s there. But I climbed Australia’s highest mountain for the chance go as HIGH as I could go – at Rawson Pass, the highest Scenic Public Toilet in the country!! 100 metres or so below the[…]

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Radio Telescope #1, Australia Telescope Compact Array, via Narrabri, New South Wales

Australia Telescope Compact Array – Loo #36

Australia Telescope Compact Array At the Australia Telescope Compact Array, the future of Southern Hemispheric radio astronomy was in my hands, at least for the next 30 minutes or so. Staggering advances in technology channel radio signals from deep, DEEP space through the 6-Dish Australia Telescope Compact Array.  The dishes work together to simulate a much larger antenna. However, the[…]

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Coulthard Lookout View, Arkaroola Ridge-top Tour

Ride the Arkaroola Ridgetop Tour!

‘Now we’ll see some REAL scenery!’ Doug announced, herding us away from the spectacular outlook from Coulthard’s Lookout towards our convoy of two vehicles.  The Arkaroola Ridgetop tour was well underway. But I was sceptical. The ragged mountain ranges (yes, I’m channelling Aussie poet Dorothea Mackellar*) glistened and glowed in a glorious 360° panorama in the perfection of a clear Outback[…]

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Charlotte Pass Amenities Block, Mt Kosciuszko National Park, New South Wales

Australia’s TOP Toilet! #33 – Charlotte Pass, New South Wales

The road wound ever upwards through rocky peaks and alpine meadows studded with non-operational chairlifts.  The temperature dropped, then dropped some more. Fresh from the 39°C of an Adelaide autumn heatwave, we’d plunged (right along with the temperature!) into a parallel universe.  We’d gone all alpine near Charlotte Pass in the Mt Kosciuszko National Park in the heart of Australia’s[…]

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Wycliffe Well Amenties Block, Northern Territory*

Wycliffe Well Roadhouse – The Best Alien Pit-Stop this side of the Galaxy!

What’s a weary Aussie traveller to do after a few hours and a few hundred kilometres on the road? Stagger from the car – reeling from too much sitting and legs crossed from sipping water water – and head straight for the loo, of course! Or the nearest tree, rock or shrub. Finding a good place to do your business[…]

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