Australia by Red Nomad OZ
Port Clinton Sunrise, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia

Why Port Clinton is a TOP Aussie Town!

I was once one of the many travellers who, upon driving down the eastern shore of South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula, would pass the Port Clinton turn-off without a second thought. That was my mistake. And theirs. Because it’s only 90 minutes from Adelaide, it’s a great base from which to explore many of the FAAAAABULOUS upper Yorke Peninsula’s attractions AND[…]

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Kimberley Transport via Wyndham

FIVE Reasons why Wyndham is a TOP Aussie Town!

I’d only been in Wyndham a couple of hours, but I was liking it already. First up was the 20 metre (65.6 ft), grinning crocodile at the town’s entrance – the most creative way to use up 5.5 km (3.4 miles) of steel rods, 50 kg (110 lb) of welding rods, 10 rolls of bird mesh and 6 cubic metres[…]

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Not Jumping Croc, Adelaide River, Northern Territory

10 TOP Things to Do in Darwin, Top End

For an isolated city, rebuilt twice after being bombed (WWII) destroyed by a tropical cyclone (1974); regularly washed by massive 7 metre tides and monsoonal floods; and hosting a high proportion of dangerous and deadly wildlife; Darwin’s looking mighty fine these days. At least to a fair-weather traveller like me – my visit was during the more activity-friendly dry season,[…]

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Red Leaves in the Sunset

Adelaide, Autumn and the Mount Lofty Botanic Gardens

As any South Australian pedant (is that a tautology?) will know, Mount Lofty isn’t South Australia’s highest mountain. That honour, as said pedant/s would confirm, goes to the 1435 metre high Mount Woodroffe in South Australia’s far north up near the Northern Territory border. But Mount Woodroffe is a long way (and not visible) from state capital Adelaide, so Mount[…]

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7 Wonderful Walks in Innes National Park

Sand dunes and shipwrecks.  A wild and windswept heli-pad. Magnificent cliffs, an old wooden railway transport line and exotic lighthouses. Historic ruins and a sailor a long way from home.  None of these are visible from the entrance to Innes National Park. And you can’t see them from the ~30 km of road winding through the park. To discover the[…]

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Royston Head, Innes National Park, Yorke Peninsula SA

Red’s TOP 10 Aussie Pests (and where I found them)!

Travelling downunder isn’t all surf and sunshine; kangaroos and koalas; or moonbeams and magic. A fabulous holiday can also be an opportunity to share the sights with some of Australia’s lesser known – and MUCH less popular – creatures! Like I did when I met my TOP 10 Aussie pests some FAAAAABULOUS places!  Where I’ll go again – despite the presence of[…]

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Windorah Landscape, Outback Queensland, Australia

Red’s TOP 10 Accessible Outback Experiences

If you’ve ever decided against touring the Aussie Outback because you don’t have a 4WD, today is your lucky day. You CAN visit the Australian Outback in a standard, non-4WD car! Just follow these simple rules: Choose destinations that don’t require an especially equipped vehicle – there are more than you think! Know your vehicle’s limitations – consider fuel economy,[…]

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Crocodile from Cruise Boat, Victoria River, via Timber Creek

Cruising with Crocodiles on Australia’s WILDEST River

‘There it is,’ shouted Pilchard, pointing towards the bank. I looked, but there was only an old tyre on the edge of the water nestled in the grass. Typical bloke. All excited about nothing. The boat moved closer to the river banks. ‘Where?’ I whined as cameras clicked all around me. Damn! If everyone else could see a monster crocodile,[…]

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