Australia by Red Nomad OZ
Kimberley Transport via Wyndham

FIVE Reasons why Wyndham is a TOP Aussie Town!

I’d only been in Wyndham a couple of hours, but I was liking it already. First up was the 20 metre (65.6 ft), grinning crocodile at the town’s entrance – the most creative way to use up 5.5 km (3.4 miles) of steel rods, 50 kg (110 lb) of welding rods, 10 rolls of bird mesh and 6 cubic metres[…]

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Big Bend, Murray River via Swan Reach, South Australia

13 Australian Place Names that WON’T keep you guessing …

Even without maps to guide them, Australian place names mean visitors to Australia – whether overseas tourists or aliens from beyond the Southern Cross – need not fear losing their way. In some parts of Australia, anyway. Thanks to the daring imagination and colourful speech of our colonial past, working out your location can be as simple as describing what[…]

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