Australia by Red Nomad OZ
Toompine Pub, Outback Queensland

A Day Trip to Toompine, Outback Queensland

With an official population of two, tiny Toompine is barely a blip on the radar! And yet, all roads seem to lead there in the western Queensland Outback. A simple distance measurement between the outback towns of Eulo, Thargomindah and Quilpie yields Toompine’s coordinates almost exactly. Is that enough reason to visit? Of course not! But finding out why the[…]

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Eulo town sign, Outback Queensland

Favourite Place #2 – Eulo

Eulo?  Where’s Eulo?  Click HERE for the Google map!  Only 68 km west of Cunnamulla, we stopped (in true Grey Nomad style) after less than an hour on the road!!  We’d seen a locally produced brochure listing Eulo attractions, and thought it deserved a look.   Did it ever!  How could anyone pass up the opportunity to see the site of the famous lizard[…]

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