Last Updated on February 28, 2016 by Red Nomad OZ
Here’s a break from tradition – public amenities NOT surrounded by rocks, desert or barren spaces!! No idea what I’m talking about? Check out the other Scenic Public Toilets in this series, and all will become clear!
This amenities block near Brown’s Beach in Innes National Park on the Southern Yorke Peninsula, South Australia is unaccountably in the middle of a field.
I’m not really sure what area this toilet block is meant to service, but the view is spectacular. Although not really close to either, it’s well worth the walk from the beach or the road. I guess ‘conveniences’ is a relative term – one would only be walking if one wasn’t desperate.
Maybe it’s designed for opportunists ie ‘look, there’s a loo, may as well go now’. Or perhaps those subject to pavlovian responses ie ‘look there’s a loo, what a coincidence, I needed to go anyway’. Or maybe it’s just a teaser for people like me who want to know why. There’s no campground within cooee either – perhaps the owner of the paddock wants to develop one, and this is the first step!
You could do worse than do your business here – on a clear day you can see exactly why this hidden corner of South Australia is a hot tourist spot just waiting to happen!
But is it the MOST scenic? Check out the other ones archived in my blog and see what you think!
That certainly is a scenic dunny. 🙂
Sydney – City and Suburbs