1. Great camping spot suggestions Marion. We have stayed at Lake Alexandrina at Narrung and loved it. We also stayed at a camp spot near Halls Creek but I can’t remember the name of it. There are so many great places to camp that don’t cost a cent. 🙂

    1. Agreed, Kathy! The more you look, the more you find!!! I’d love to go back to Narrung – we never stayed there, and my camera was playing up so I didn’t get a photo!! As for Halls Creek, we ended up in the caravan park – our vehicle made it out on the dirt roads, but our old camper trailer would’ve been shaken to bits!! There are a lot more places I’d like to go too – see you out there one day!

  2. We love camping at Gordon Country. There are heaps of different bush campsites and 4×4 tracks to check out.

  3. I wish I had known about the campsite at Lake Alexandrina when we travelled through there recently – not that time was on our side. We Aussies certainly have a lot of fantastic campsites. There is something comforting about going back to a campsite you have been to before or that has been recommended.

  4. Wonderful nature pictures with lovely colors and great reflections,
    my compliments for these lovely photo’s.

    Greetings from Holland, Joop

  5. Aww, such a beauty at Halls Creek! 14 years too late for us, though…

    In Grampians NP we had our very first pies, yummy, yummy meat-pies.
    We both bit in the front. And burned our fingers on the other side, where the meat came out!
    But… hmmmmm, yummy!!!!
    We really should open a pie-shop over here, the only way to get a pie…

  6. Thanks for the tips but we’re no longer campers but lazy seniors who like all the comforts of home, but we do like cabins on camping sites. Got any tips on those? Great scenes from our great country.

  7. Sound like a good App.
    In our travels we did not camp in the bush or by lakes etc. we always stayed in Caravan Parks as my husband won’t do anything else. Now we don’t have a van we stay in Motels, eat out which is good but the Caravan was good. One day we may get another.

  8. Wow, these are all beautiful campgrounds. Very scenic! Too bad, I love too far away to enjoy them.

    Love the photos, have a happy week!

  9. Halls Creek looks like a bucket-lister. Naturally Victoria’s Grampians are impressive. But honestly… why is there a campsite so close to the Marbles? Sacrilege.

  10. What a great day to visit your site. Beautiful pictures and the chance of a prize too.

    I particularly love the photos of the Yarrie Lake. I have been through Narrabri several times and always stayed in the hotel because it was cheap. Next time I will look out for that campsite and try to spend some time in the area. It looks gorgeous and I love bush walks and water views.

  11. China Wall !!
    We have a China Wall, right here in Aus! Wow.

    Another beautiful set of photos Red, you could sell calendars forever.

    “On the outer Barcoo, where the churches are few,
    and men of religion are scanty,
    On a road never crossed ‘cept by folk that are lost, one Michael Magee had a shanty.

  12. You must have been beside yourself with envy, looking at those red hills, rocks and bushes. What captivating campsites Red – you have captured the “alluring look” people search for when deciding where to camp or holiday. I would love to try them all out, but you know what, white sand and dunes still have a tendency to draw me the most.. Excellent display of campsites and most intriguing post in my “camper’s” eyes 🙂

  13. I camped in Tasmania about 10 years ago… but golly I don’t remember where… only that there were lots of wallaby coming out at twilight

  14. Well as usual Red, you have shown a whole lot of great campsites there but the campsite that I like best is the campsite at the Devils Marbles. Can’t wait till we get to see all of these great campsites though.

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