Australia by Red Nomad OZ

Signs #17 – Yes … or NO!!

Possibly the sign of a misspent youth, my ability to guess ‘whodunit’ has been well-honed over the years by detective and courtroom drama novels, TV shows and films. But this sign, languishing with other unlabelled exhibits in a shed at Boulia’s Stone House Museum, gave my amateur sleuthing skills the chance for a REAL workout! Who made it? Where was[…]

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Weird Stuff #7 – Homestead, Queensland

From the Highway, Homestead, Queensland Homestead doesn’t generally make the Top 10 list of Queensland tourist drawcards. Not to MY knowledge*, anyway. This small, ex-Gold mining town is more likely described as a blip on the radar almost exactly half-way between Balfe’s Creek and Pentland, themselves blips on Queensland’s Overlander’s Way between Charters Towers and Hughenden! In fact, while we’ve[…]

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Sand Dune Survivor, Windorah QLD

Aussie ABC – D is for Dune!

It’ll take massive advances in virtual reality to develop a lounge-room based version of ‘sand dune sports’ – if it ever can be! BUT for the moment, pretty much the only way to slide down, climb up, frolic in, pose on, admire, photograph or otherwise enjoy the dunes of Australia in their many guises, is to actually visit them. Luckily,[…]

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